Englisch: Review ,,Bend It Like Beckham"
Ich habe für die Schule eine Review zu dem Buch ,,Bend It Like Beckham" geschrieben, das Buch liest man für gewöhnlich in der 8. Klasse Gymnasium, aber auch falls ihr es privat lesen wollt sollte es interessant sein; das Buch ist es allemal. Der Text ist von mir selbst verfasst; Quelle ist selbstverständlich das Buch an sich und wenn ihr den Text kopieren und verwenden wollt habe ich nichts dagegen, bitte aber um kurze PN.
Review: "Bend It Like Beckham"
"But Jess has other plans. She wants to play football like her hero, David Beckham." You could say "Bend It Like Beckham" was a typical "youth movie" dealing with a teenager working on his dream becoming a professional footballer. This wouldn't be justified because "Bend It Like Beckam" incures a lot of other interesting topics especially for teenagers.
The movie´s story is quite simple: Jess, an Indian 18-year-old girl has a dream: she wants to play football as well as her idol David Beckham. But her parents want her to life her live in the traditional Indian way which comprehends not to play football. One day Jess approaches her dream a step: She meets Jules, an English girl, who saw Jess playing football in the park. She recognized Jess' talent and invited her to play at the "Hounslow Harriers", a local women's football team, but her parents quickly get wind of it.
"Bend It Like Beckam" compounds in an imposing and inimitable way an amusing story with typical current problems of English teenager. The problem of an 18-year-old girl trying to become independent from her parents for example is both one of the main problems of the movie and one main problem of the modern youth. Many teenager have to make the same decision like Jess: either they can't follow their interests or they disappoint their parents.
The movie is rounded off by the good till brilliant actors. Actually all parts are figured well. Both the leading actors Parminder Nagra (Jess), Keira Knightley (Jules) and Jonathan Meyers (Jess' coach Joe) and the other actors Anupam Kher and Shaheen Khan (Jess' parents) for example can really convince.
Altogether "Bend It Like Beckham" is an entertaining and quite interesting film but some lengthy and bad camera working scenes (the football match scenes for example) debase the esemble a little.
Link dieser Seite https://www.talkteria.de/forum/topic-36163.html
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