Kurzvortrag über Kunst- /Zeichenpapiere in Englisch
Ich habe vor einiger Zeit einen Kurzvortrag über Künstlerpapiere gemacht, vielleicht ist es ja dem ein oder anderen nützlich, falls ihr mal so einen Vortrag in der Schule oder im Studium machen müsst. Achtung das Englisch ist zwar so weit in Ordnung, aber für 100 prozentige Fehlerfreiheit hafte ich nicht.
I want to speak about art-papers and their characteristics. There are drawing papers, crayon or pastel papers, watercolour papers and oil-papers. The drawing paper is coated, calendered and sometimes they have a very smooth surface especially when drawing with ink. It´s not for drawing with colour and brush only for non-watercontaining methods. The best paper when drawing with pencil, crayon or charcoal is a coated and not much calendered . It will give the “optimale” colour abrasion. You will find them with many different grammatures
The crayon or pastel paper needs a rougher surface, because the colours are very soft. There won’t be much colour abrasion if it’s to smooth. These papers can also have different colours, for example a green or dark brown. Because with crayon or pastel it’s possible to draw a lighter colour over a darker one. The grammatures can also differ.
The watercolour paper means that you draw with very fluid colours. That means more water than pigment in the colour and so the colours can easily flow into each other. If you don’t want such a thing happening, it´ means that the first colour needs to dry before you can apply the next. The paper is coated, voluminous and waterabsorbent. You can buy them as drawing-pad which are glued on all four sites, that it will not corrugate when it becomes wet. There are different surfaces: coarse grit, fine grit, calendered and torchon.
The oil and acrylic paper. The “hadern”rags are soaked with oleiferous paraffin or wax and needs to be non-absorbent because with these colours you want to get a very high colour intensity. It´s for high viscous colours. You can find it simply as drawing-pads with a surfaces- treatment like a linnen-embossing and also glued on all four sites. The true linnen can be applied on a cardboard and you can also find it on a stretcher frame. The difference between arylic and oil-colours is that oil-colours can´t be mixed with water (waterinsoluble). They can only be mixed with something that resolves oil. In the most fallen it´s turpentine. That´s the reason why oilpictures needs to dry such a long time. Even after two or more month the colours can still be wet.
The diagram show you in which grammatures you can find each paper. The drawing paper reaches from 90g/m³ to 240 g/m³. The optimum is between 190 and 240.The crayon and pastel papers have much the same grammatures ( 100 bis 260) but you can also find papers which are thicker. The watercolour paper goes from 150 to 500. The oil and acrylic paper from 230 to 500.
Link dieser Seite https://www.talkteria.de/forum/topic-20954.html
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