BRAVE NEW WORLD: Stability, Identity and Community
Ich habe gerade ein kleines Essay aus meiner Schulzeit über Aldous Huxleys Dystopie "Brave New World". Da muss glaube ich jeder Englisch-Grundkurs mal durch und da ich dafür keine Verwendung mehr finde, poste ich es einfach mal...
Es sind wahrscheinlich noch einige grammatische Ungenauigkeiten enthalten, also handelt ganz im Open Source Verständnis: Das ist nur eine Zwischenversion auf dem Weg zum perfekten Aufsatz .
Is “Stability, Identity and Community” save enough? What is the danger to the system of Brave New World?
Before this difficult question can be solved we have to know how the system of Brave New World works. Then we can discover possible flaws and analyse if there is any danger to Brave New World.
The system
After years of cruel war some men came to the conclusion that mankind will destroy itself if blood shedding don’t end. So they created the Brave New World under the factor of Ford´s new idea and with the help of newest techniques like the Bokanovsky process and sleep-teaching. The men (now World Controllers) classified the society in five castes (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Deltas and Epsilons). After growing up in a vitro the children are affected by the government’s education. Shock conditioning oppresses the naturally development of the children while nightly sleep-teaching drums the rules of Brave New World into the children’s head. Later they have to work in a castes-specific job. Their free time is also affected by the government. If they don’t play high technically sports they spend their leisure in cinema or other public events. In case of sadness or having problems the men consume soma, a drug which guarantees happiness and insouciance in every moment.
The bottom line is that the whole life from the Brave New Worlders is prearranged by the World Controllers. Accessorily they deny the reading of old books because they want to take care that nobody knows about the situation the world had before Brave New World.
Possible dangers
Of course problems could arise from errors in the Bokanovsky process. There is a good example in the book. Bernard Marx, intrinsically an Alpha, is as a result of an overdose alcohol during his “production” smaller than an normal Alpha and generally strange. Because of this fact he doesn’t act like a real Brave New Worlder. In the end he is involved in a revolt and has to go on an island. We see that defaults like this case can appear but at the end these defaults don’t lead to real problems.
Another interesting idea is the possibility of disaffection in the lower castes. The reason is obvious: hard work, but no social acceptation. However there is one fact we can’t let out: On the basis of sleep conditioning the idea of liberty and individuality can’t be formed.
The next point is boredom. All the time the Brave New Worlders are busy with work or free-time activities. But what happens if their demand can’t be fulfilled (for example when a new piece of sports equipment is missing)? The same question applies to soma. The answer is simple and momentous: Problems will accrue which the government can’t just solve. One circumstance is linked with the following deliberation: Which role plays history and literature in Brave New World? First we must define the word “history” in conjunction with Brave New World! History documents development and progression. So history builds the contrast to the stability of Brave New World. The World Controllers are of the opinion that the knowledge about this precarious matter is a grave danger to Brave New World.
Therefore anything which reminds of history is forbidden or just hidden. Books are the best examples. All the classical writers, for example Shakespeare or the famous enlightenment-authors (Hobbes, Kant, etc.), predict the right to evolve ones personal individuality. But identity is accompanied with own thoughts and feelings. There we find the second thing the World Controllers have to scare about: While negative feelings are actually most effective instruments for the government (Neo-Pavlovian process) they now pose a huge threat to Brave New World! Feelings aren’t compoundable with the stability of Brave New World. Feelings like hate, love or fear could derogate the fixated state. So we find the same situation during the nine-years-war. The consequences could be a civil war and hence the complete destruction of Brave New World.
Comparison between Brave New World and 1984
On one hand “1984” reminds readers of a totalitarian system like many famous notorious examples (Nazi Germany, Italy, other fascistic states). The leadership is saved by observation, propagandistic and fear. On the other hand Brave New World bases on happiness, consumption and programmed immaturity. In principle the people don’t have the chance to shake of the governmental bonds. Successful revolts are very implausible. In this regard we find the main difference between the two system since history has often shown that regiments like in 1984 can be overthrow!
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