Lincoln Memorial - Referat ( englisch )
Lincoln Memorial
Informations about Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was born on 12. Febuary 1809 near Hodgenville. He was elected for the 16th President of the USA and he was re-elected in 1864. Lincoln is one of the most popularest Presidents of the USA, because he terminate the Civil War, which was from 1861 to 1865 between the South States and the North States , and he forbid the slavery, too. He was shot down on 15. April 1865 in Washington D.C.
The history of the Lincoln Memorial
For his performance in the Amercan civil war the United State Congress decided to build a memorial for Abraham Lincoln. So the Congress founded in March 1867 the Lincoln Monument Association in order to build the memorial for the president.
In 1901 the site , where the monument should be built, was chosen in an area that was swampland.
On February 12, three years later in 1914 on Abraham Lincoln`s bithday they started to build the monument.
In May 1922 the monument was ready and so it was dedicated (=einweihen) by Warren G. Harding, who was presindent at this time, and President Lincoln’s only surviving child, Robert Todd Lincoln.
The architect who created the memorial was the prominent disigner Henry Bacon. For the Lincoln Memorial he won the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Archictects. The prize was presented at the monument in 1923.
Originally under the Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks, the care of the Lincoln Memorial was transferred to the National Park Service in August 1933.
Lincoln Memorial – The building
The Lincoln Memorial is built of 36 doric columns in greek style. The
columns are symbols for the 36 states which were a part of the USA in Lincolns term of office. At the northside there is his second talk from 1865 which was engraved into the stone there. At the southside there is his Gettysburg talk engraved. In this kind of temple is a 5,80 meters tall sitting statue of Abe Lincoln wich consists of 28 white Gorgia Marmor parts. This statue was created of Daniel Chester French. Over the statue is a inscription: "In this Temple, as in the hearts of the people, for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abe Lincoln is enshrined forever.". Under the memorial is museum of Abraham Lincolns live, too.
Das Englisch Referat wurde Aufgrund eines Pflichreferats in der 9. Klasse erstellt, wird aber heutzutage durch die G8-Reform sehr warscheinlich auch früher drankommen. Für dieses Referat habe ich inklusive Bilder, die durchgegeben worden sind, die Note 2 bekommen. Ein Handout hat es bei uns nicht gegeben bzw. es sollte nur ein Kurzreferat ohne Handout werden. ( Formatierung des Textes wie auf normalen Blatt mit Sinnabschnitten )
Freundliche Grüße
Ich weis nicht ob man das in das Referat einbauen kann, aber soviel wie ich weiß, hat Martin Luther King seine "I have a dream" Rede vor dem Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. gehalten. Denk des kommt bestimmt gut wenn man des noch so nebenbei dazu erwähnt.
Liebe Grüße
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