Mein Englisch Gespräch
Dies ist ein Gespräch was ich für das Fach Englisch gemacht habe. Es knüpft an eine kleine Vorgeschichte an. Es spielt in der Zeit, wo Protestanten gegen Katholiken in Nordirland kämpfen. Naja lest es euch mal durch. P.S. es kann bei Anfrage auch ein Teil oder sogar das ganze Gespräch kopiert werden, aber bitte vorher kurz PN schreiben.
In Belfast Gerry Conlon was arrested, flown to England and shown a document written by Paul Hill, an old friend. It said that he, Conlon and two others were the Guildford bombers, IRA bombers, who had bombed 2 pubs in Guildford. For days Conlon was questioned and beaten by detectives. He kept saying he was innocent, but the detectives don’t believe him. They’re sure he is guilty. One day another detective, named Simmons, comes to him.
Listen carefully, Conlon, because if you don’t you may regret it. I’m sure you’re guilty.
I’m not. You got the wrong man.
Simmons hits him in the face
I’m so sure you’re guilty, Conlon, that I’m prepared to take steps – unusual steps.
Simmons picks up the phone
Get me Springfield Road police station in Belfast.
Your mother is called Sarah and your sister Bridget works at a factory on the Dublin Road, right? That’s the place where a lot of these sectarian murders happen, isn’t it, Conlon?
Conlon is shaking and starts to cry.
On the phone Simmons explains who he is and goes on:
This little bastard Conlon is not cooperating. You couldn’t arrange a little accident at your end, could you, something to persuade him?
Simmons grabs Conlon by the hair and pulls his head over so that his ear is next to the phone.
Yes, I’m sure we can.
Simmons pushes Conlon back and says he will call back later if he needs to. He puts the phone down.
Right, Conlon. It’s decision time. I’ll leave you to think it over.
Conlon starts to cry and shakes his head.
My family hasn’t done anything.
What happens to members of your family is in your hands, Conlon.
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